
**All alterations are PRE-PAID.**

Hem pants or shirts $12.00 no cuff & $14.00 with cuff – with lining $24.00 

Hem pants with split $15.00 & wide legs $14.00 & up

Hem + tapered legs $22.00 with lining $30.00 

Hem shirt sleeves $25.00 

Hem jacket sleeves or take in back $35.00 & up

Hem bottom jackets $40.00 

Hem curtains (must be present to determine price)

Jumper $15.00 & up

Dress $25.00 & up with lining extra charge  

Take in shirts or dresses $18.00 & up  

New zipper for pants or skirts $15.00 & up 

Pants waist in or out $15.00 & up

Jeans waist in $16.00